Tutors and Mentors


Upward Bound provides tutoring and mentoring to local first generation, limited-income high school students in Springfield


Tutor Resources

Participants who have fallen below a 2.5 GPA or a grade of C (75%) or lower in any core 
classes upon review (either academic advising, notification from counselors, mid-term and/or 
quarter) are mandated to participate in weekly tutoring services. Those mandated continue in 
tutoring until the next quarter grade review, and at that time grades and tutorial needs are

TRIO Upward Bound partners with highschool A+ offices to secure direct one on one tutors for students in need of academic assistance. These tutors are either peers or teachers of the subject. Tutoring may occur in the fomr of afterschool tutoring or classroom assistance. 

Tutoring is available to any participant who would like to receive services, regardless of grades. Tutoring services will also be available 
to study for and reflect on after standardized assessments.

Students who are excelling in courses and who are maintaining a GPA of 2.5 or higher will be recommended and encouraged to apply for the peer facilitated, A+ Tutoring Program. The A+ program is a program funded by the 
Missouri Legislature through the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) that offers two years for free tuition at any participating college within Missouri.


UB students have the opportunity to partner with college mentors from the Inclusive Excellence Scholars Program. This parntership  is titled: Bear Up Mentors. These mentors meet with students periodically throughout the year to share their experience navigating college 
life as a first-generation college student. Partnered events and programming are also planned 
throughout the year for further opportunities of connection and mentorship. 

Mentorship goals by grade level:

Seniors 100% of Seniors have a peer mentor assigned to them specifically to help financial aid procurement and grow transitionary skills for college. Mentorship is a mandated activity for all seniors
Juniors 75% of Juniors are partnered with a peer mentor. This is highly encouraged by the UB staff.
Sophmores 25% of Sophomores are partnered with a mentor. This is facilitated on a participant-initiated basis.